发起于2016年9月21日,历时两个多月的这场轰轰烈烈的以呼吁所有公共媒体禁播饶舌歌《遇见劫匪(Meet Flockers)》为诉求的白宫请愿于昨日正式落下帷幕,参加这项请愿的每一位朋友都收到了如下的正式答复:
California rapper YG is facing a nationwide backlash from the Chinese American community for his 2014 song “Meet the Flockers,” reports the Chinese language World Journal. The opening lyrics of the song – “First, you find a house and scope it out. Find a Chinese neighborhood, cause they don’t believe in bank accounts” – appear to condone the targeting of Chinese homes for robbery.
"Meet the Flockers" drew little attention when it was released in 2014 on YG’s debut album “My Krazy Life.” Critical reviews — generally positive overall — mentioned the song only in passing, focusing instead on the album’s four singles, one of which received platinum certification.
It was the fourth Chinese-American protest against an African-American rapper, YG, whose song “Meet the Flockers” details how burglars broke into a Chinese family’s home. Previous protests took place in Washington, D.C., New York City and Philadelphia. Protesters urged YG to apologize and for sites like YouTube to ban the song.
The New Civil Rights Alliance protested YG’s concert at the House of Blues in Boston Wednesday night.
After a group of 30-50 Chinese-Americans picketed YG's show in Maryland last Wednesday, another group showed up to voice its disapproval outside his show Monday night at New York's Irving Plaza.
An online petition calling for the banning of a controversial rap track - that critics say incites criminals to target Chinese American homes - has collected more than 100,000 signatures, and so must now receive an official response from the White House.
针对嘻哈歌手YG“遇见劫匪”(Meet the Flockers)歌词煽动抢劫华人,数十位参与15日白天“反暴力,要安全”示威游行的华人,晚间7时前往南街(South St.)的生活艺术剧院(Theatre of Living Arts)YG演唱会场门前抗议
10月12日晚7点由新民权联盟带头组织,针对说唱歌手YG鼓动偷盗华人住宅的歌曲《Meet the Flockers》的示威游行在银泉镇YG举行演唱会的场所外举行。美国华人全国委员会,亚太公共事务联盟华府分会,8020DC分会,1882 Foundation, 大费城华人联合会等均到场支持并参加示威活动。
CENTER CITY (WPVI) -- Rapper YG performed in front of excited fans at the Theatre of Living Arts Saturday night. But just beyond the doors, near the main entrance, was a group of protesters anxious to see the rapper for completely different reasons.
People upset over what they considered the racist anti-Chinese lyrics of rapper YG this week protested outside his concert in Silver Spring, MD, reported WTTG.
"反暴力,要安全"集会示威抗议集会今天在宾州费城举行,来自宾州、纽约、特拉华州的2千民众参与到了集会游行中。 集会者声讨YG唱的《遇到劫匪》教唆抢劫华人的暴力犯罪行为,同时抗议专门针对华人的抢劫与伤害。
Asian Americans protested Wednesday night outside a concert in Maryland, criticizing California rap artist YG for a song whose lyrics talk about burglarizing homes in Chinese neighborhoods.
亚裔维权团体“新民权联盟”(New Civil Rights Alliance)率领大华府、费城民众,12日晚在马州银泉市“Fillmore Silver Spring”外,抗议当晚在该会场举行演唱会的非裔饶舌歌手YG。他们希望引起主流社会对文化暴力的重视,与非裔等族裔建立互相尊重、彼此承担责任的桥梁,不仅从法律层面,更从文化层面消除歧视和不平等。
【侨报记者何心怡 杨扬华盛顿报道】华盛顿华人社区联盟、80-20组织、新民权联盟、美华协会等多个华人社团,于10月12日在马里兰银泉菲尔默尔剧院(Fillmore Theatre)前举行针对YG乐队十月份美国巡演的示威抗议,呼吁各族裔民众反对“文化暴力”。
论广泛关注的“纪欣然案件”有了新进展。在拖延2年多以后,案件于美国时间2016年9月30日在洛杉矶刑事法庭正式开庭审理。首位受审的是4名嫌犯之一格雷罗(Alejandra Guerrero)。10月11日,格雷罗(Alejandra Guerrero)的庭审进入检辩双方结案陈词阶段,检辩双方完成结案陈词后,陪审团定于次日,也就是12日,进行投票判定格雷罗一级谋杀罪是否成立。庭审中,检方律师播放了纪欣然遇袭后从住宿楼门口至离开电梯的一段视频,让坐在旁听席上的众人纷纷落泪……
美国饶舌歌手YG创作的歌曲《遇见劫匪》(Meet the Flockers),在YouTube上挑唆人们去抢劫华人家庭,引起华人社区担忧并在全国发起抗议。 10月12日,YG至华府巡演,当地部分华人在演出剧院外抗议,反对文化暴力,并呼吁华人团结起来,捍卫族裔尊严和生存空间。
From Fox News: SILVER SPRING, Md. - Music fans and protesters both gathered at The Fillmore in Silver Spring Wednesday night. The fans were there to see rapper YG perform inside the concert venue while the protesters were outside to denounce some of the rapper's lyrics.